Monday 8 February 2016

Filming Day 1

Our first day filming in our new location was partially successful. We filmed the most part of the road scene and planned ahead for our next filming in the woods. We got some good footage, and we used the DSLR camera and tripod to film steady and professional shots. However, something's we didn't think about which made our next filming days easier as we learnt from our experience, for example, we didn't put the camera in the mode "auto" therefore when we came to edit our footage together later that day, some weren't in focus, making it look unprofessional. During the first days filming we attempted a range of shots to try and vary the footage without making it confusing and too much for the audience by trying to keep to the 180 degree rule. We also tried panning, however the footage didn't come out as smooth and seamless as we'd liked.

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