Friday 5 February 2016

Thriller Directors

Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock was an English film director and producer who is most famous for his thriller films. Hitchcock used a range of unique techniques to create suspense providing the audience with a very distinct viewing experience. He was talented for creating themes of false accusations, conflicted emotions and plot twist endings very skilfully. In 1939, Hitchcock moved to Hollywood to continue his career in film.

Most famous thrillers:
  • The 39 Steps
  • Vertigo
  • Psycho
  • Shadow of a doubt

Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg is an American film director, screen writer and producer. The first big break through for Spielberg was, "Jaws" a thriller grossed more than $470 million worldwide at the box office. In Jaws Spielberg used a range of techniques to build tension such as dramatic music and specially selected camera shots.

Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino is an independent American film director and often chooses to star act in his own films such as Pulp Fiction. He's popular for displaying non-linear exciting films often involving violence. His arguably most famous independent film and thought of one of the best independent films of all time was "Reservoir Dogs." Closely follows by "Pulp Fiction" nominated for 7 Academy Awards.
Most famous thrillers:
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Django Unchained
  • Reservoir Dogs
  • Kill Bill 1 & 2

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