Thursday 26 November 2015

Lighting Practice

This shot the light is dim and is underneath me this makes the person seem quite
dominant and scary and is often used in thrillers. Because the light is so dim
and the shot isn't close up the background is completely black and makes it look
as if I am walking through the darkness.

This shot the bright artificial light is to the side so half of my face is in the
dark and half in the light which creates a mysterious effect.

Similar to the first photo the dim candlelight is beneath me which enhances the
shadows on my face and makes it look scary as it's low key light.

This is a shot which is backlit by artificial light, a bright light behind the
object in the foreground creates a silhouette figure of the object/person
in front. Also, this can create shadows. Making it look mysterious.   

Natural light and backlit light. This shot is taken in natural light, so
colours are natural and nothing is exaggerated as no
artificial lights have been used. As well as natural lighting, this shot is
also displaying backlit lighting effects, because the light from the sky
is giving the trees the silhouette, dark figure.

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